Our Mission

We are called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be the very presence of Jesus Christ in the world. We follow Christ in mission in a lost and broken world so loved by God.


Reformed Christians are a people of hope. Though we grieve the brokenness of our world and confess our complicity in it, we are confident that God is redeeming all things through Jesus Christ. God's unconditional grace and loving providence free us to follow Christ. We joyfully join in the work God's Spirit is doing within us as individuals, within our church, within our wider communities, and in the communities across the world.


We have a presbyterian government. Three offices are involved in the government of our church: minister of Word and sacrament, elder, and deacon. Those who are ordained to office act as servants who represent Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But unlike in a political democracy, those in church office do not represent the will of the people; they represent the will of Christ.